This page is a combination of ENGLISH photos and those that served on her. They were taken from 1962 to 1964 when I was on board. I welcome others to add to it by contacting me here.
Carrier in Mayport 1964 Destroyers in Mayport 1964 SUMNER-DD692 MCCAFFERY-DD860-LAWE-DD-763 SUMNER-DD-692 --MCCAFFERY-DD860--LAWE-DD-763 USS MCCAFFERY leaving Mayport 1964
USS PERRY DD-844 in Mayport 1964 USS SARATOGA at sea 1963 ENGLISH as DESRON-2 ENGLISH as DESRON-34 USS INDEPENDENCE at sunset 1963
Chopper delivering mail 1962 Chopper delivering mail 1962 ENGLISH flank speed at dusk 1962 ENGLISH in center Norfolk D&S piers 1963 ENGLISH in Gitmo 1962
USS SARATOGA refueling a destroyer 1962 USS SARATOGA refueling a destroyer 1962 USS SARATOGA refueling a destroyer 1962 USS SARATOGA refueling a destroyer 1962 USS SARATOGA refueling a destroyer 1962
Bob Brooks 1964 Bob Brooks - Mike Koehler 1964 Bob Slavens 1963 ENGLISH card game outside the log room 1964 Bob Brooks & friend in Gitmo 1962
Jack McCallister-Jim D.- 1964 Jim.D- John W. - Jack M.-1963 Jim D. Tony Stein 1964 John W.on fantail at Gitmo1962
CDR Moore and ENS Wheeler in Jacksonville 1964 ENGLISH in Jacksonville by the Atlantic Coastline Blg.-1964 ENGLISH in Jacksonville by the Atlantic Coastline Blg.-1964 ENGLISH in Jacksonville by the Atlantic Coastline Blg.-1964 ENGLISH in Jacksonville by the Atlantic Coastline Blg.-1964
Officer board Jacksonville 1964 John Wirth on security watch Mayport-1964 USS CANBERRA - CAG2 John Wirth going on liberty Mayport-1964 USS ENGLISH port side 1964
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ENGLISH dropping a depth charge 1963 Crew on fantail  watching depth charge 1963 ENGLISH Engineering Log Room 1963 ENGLISH in center Norfolk D&S Piers 1963 Parrish - Chief Vallina & Galloway at Norfolk D&S Piers 1963
J. Johnson & Bob Brooks Jack McAllister & J. Dennin Chief Vallina - Chief Bubenheim & officer Norfolk 1963 USS ENGLISH in port 1963  ENGLISH in port 1963
USS ENGLISH in port Norfolk1963 USS ENGLISH in port Norfolk1963 John W. outside of the Log Room 1963 John W. outside of the Log Room 1963 Mr. Parham - Mr. Wheeler - NA
Fishing for shark off Cuba 1962 Fishing for shark off Cuba 1962 Fishing for shark off Cuba 1962 ENGLISH at Gibbs Shipyard, Jacksonville FL 1964 John Wirth and ENGLISH at Gibbs Shipyard, Jacksonville FL 1964